Monday, March 28, 2011

Summer Hair Care ☼

Summer's almost here so i wanted to share my tips to keep your hair looking health.
First off here's some thing to avoid during the summer...
  • Keep heat tools to a minimum; using a blow dyer or flat iron everyday is bad enough but add that with the heat your hair gets from the sun and your heat damage could get worse.
  • Limit products for volume and avoid products with alcohol; They dry out your hair. You can still use your volumizing products just not as often. 
  • Try not to shampoo hair everyday; Summer or winter you shouldn't do it. Shampooing strips the natural oils from your hair and can leave it dry and brittle.
  • DO NOT let salt/chlorine water sit in your hair; Can damage the crap out of your hair and strip away color. After swimming you should always rinse/wash out your hair.... A trick for swimming is to wet your hair before you get in the water and put in a little leave-in conditioner, this way your hair will not absorb the chlorine or salt water. There are also products made to be put in hair before your swim.

Here's some thing to try...
  • Moisturizing shampoos
  • Dry shampoos; instead of washing hair daily
  • Deep Conditioner/Hair Mask; once or twice a week protein masks are great.
  • If you have very oily hair try a clarifying shampoo once in a while.
  • Try to get your hair trimmed every 6 months; even if your trying to grow it out.
  • Use leave-in conditioners; Try some with an SPF.
  • Drink lots for water; believe it or not it will help your skin and hair<3
  • Wear hats or put hair up in a bun; this way less of your hair is exposed to the sun.
  • For really frizzy hair put some jojoba oil on problem areas, wrap it and let it sit over night, then rinse in the morning.

Have some fun in the sun; & dont forget your sunscreen =]

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